Transaction Types

Transaction Types, identified by the input XML element <TRANSACTION_TYPE>, are used to identify how a transaction should be taxed.

The transaction type impacts tax processing and reporting requirements. The transaction also indicates what fields must be passed for ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination to process a transaction. For example, in Europe, a supplied and installed transaction will have different reporting and tax requirements than a normal goods transaction.

The following types are available:

Transaction Type



Ancillary Transport Services (AT)

The handling of transported goods.

Loading, unloading, handling, holding of transported goods.

Chain Transaction 1 (T1)

A series of sales where goods are shipped directly from the first seller to the final customer. May include Triangulation, an EU regime applied to qualified chain transactions.

Identifies the first "leg" of a chain transaction that involves three parties, such as a company in Belgium sells goods to a company in France.

For more information, see Triangulation Simplification and Chain Transactions.

Chain Transaction 2 (T2)

A series of sales where goods are shipped directly from the first seller to the final customer. May include Triangulation, an EU regime applied to qualified chain transactions.

Identifies the second "leg" of a chain transaction that involves three parties, such as a company in France sells goods to a company in Portugal.

For more information, see Triangulation Simplification and Chain Transactions.

Customer Location Services (CL)

Intangible services.

Consulting, advertising, banking, financial and insurance services, supply of staff, renting of goods, and intermediary supply of these types of services.

Default Services (DS)

Services not covered elsewhere.

Membership subscription fees, provision of extended warranties, clerical or secretarial services, archiving services, veterinary services.

Electronic Services (ES)

Purchase of music, films, on-line training, or software (including updates).

Purchase of software that is downloaded from the Internet.

Goods (GS)

The buying and selling of tangible movable goods.

The sale of a stapler.

IndiaSEZBuyerGoods (BG) Applies to transactions were goods are bought by and sold to a buyer who is registered in a special economic zone (SEZ) in India.

An SEZ buyer purchases components from a vendor to create a computer which they will then export.

IndiaSEZBuyerServices (BS) Applies to transactions were services are bought by and sold to a buyer who is registered in a special economic zone (SEZ) in India.

An SEZ buyer purchases consulting services from a vendor.

IndiaSEZSellerGoods (SG) Transactions where goods are sold by or bought from a seller who is registered within a special economic zone (SEZ) to a buyer either outside India or in India and in a non-SEZ location.

An SEZ seller exports a cell phone to a non-SEZ buyer in India.

IndiaSEZSellerServices (SS) Transactions where services are sold by or bought from a seller who is registered within a special economic zone (SEZ) to a buyer either outside India or in India and in a non-SEZ location.

An SEZ seller exports consulting services to a buyer in the United States.

Installation Services (IN)

Services associated with the installation with tangible property.

The services associated with installing an HVAC system.

Generally taxed where the service is performed.

Low Value Goods

This is an indicator of a physical good valued below a certain threshold (excluding GST, Shipping, and Insurance).

Currently, this only applies to New Zealand, and the threshold is NZ$1,000.

Sale of a cup.

Movement for Excise (MV)

The movement of excisable goods.

The movement of oil from a tanker to a refinery.

Physical Performance (PP)

Services that are physically performed.

Entertainment services, organizations of conferences, etc.

Prime Contracting (PC)

Construction, alteration, repair, addition to, subtraction from, and improvement of real property.

Office construction, roof repairs.

Rental (RR)

Rental of tangible personal property not including motor vehicles.

Rental of office furniture.

Supplied and Installed (SI)

Transactions where goods are supplied and installed or supplied and assembled.

The sale of a mainframe computer that comes with installation.

Telecommunication Services - General (TG)

A transaction in which telecommunications services are provided and taxability determined at the customer’s location, which for most authorities is either Bill To or Supply. For a limited number of authorities, Order Origin and Order Acceptance are also used.

Sales of voicemail services to a residential or commercial business.

Telecommunication Services - Private (TP)

A transaction in which telecommunications services are provided and taxability is determined by the origination and termination of the service.

This Transaction Type is reserved for future use.

Telephone calls between an origination and termination point.

Transport Services (TS)

Transactions which involve the transportation of goods.

Shipping or transporting goods.

Work on Goods (WG)

A sub-set of physical performance services: physical work on tangible, movable assets.

Repair work.