Invoice Level Input XML Elements
The following elements are found in the <INDATA><INVOICE>
To enable compatibility with previous releases, all elements that require true or false also support Y and N. The XML Output will always return true or false, regardless of whether the new- or old-style contents are passed in.
In the table(s) below, dependency is show by indentation. For example:
Element Name |
Type |
Req? |
Description |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Name of the Allocation Group to use for this transaction. Named Allocations will be looked up in this group. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Name of the Company owning the Allocation Group to use for this transaction. The named Allocation Group will be looked up in this company's data. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Name of the Allocation to use for this transaction. Named Allocations will be looked up in the specified group owned by the specified company (see above). Company default owner and group will be used if not specified in the transaction. Allocations are dated, so the named version active as of the <INVOICE_DATE> will be used. If none match, a message will be added to output indicating an active named Allocation was not found. Allocation processing can be overridden at the line level. See <LINE>.<IS_ALLOCATABLE>. |
varchar2(1) |
No |
This element has been deprecated in favor of audit-related Configuration parameters. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether or not to create exemption certificates automatically. Automatic creation occurs when an exemption is forced by the elements being passed into the system, but no existing certificate is on file. This element overrides Company Preferences that determine whether or not exemption certificates are created automatically. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether or not customers are created automatically when transactions are entered into the system. Exemption certificates can then be associated with these customers. This element overrides Company Preferences that determine whether or not customers are created automatically. |
number |
No |
A percentage of the gross amount of the line used in tax calculation. .5 is equal to 50%, .6 is equal to 60%, and so on. If this element is provided, it overrides any data found on a tax rule or exemption certificate applied to this transaction. |
structural |
No |
The Bill To address. This address is used for certain transaction types in several countries to determine tax and reporting requirements. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
structural |
No |
The buyer company's home or primary address. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
varchar2(1) |
No |
There are three calculation directions, each using different XML elements in the calculation:
For more information, see the line-level output element <GROSS_AMOUNT>. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
A descriptor of the calling system sending the transaction. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: |
number |
No |
The internal Determination ID of the merchant. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes* |
The identifier used by companies when calling Determination. This element tells Determination which company is calling it, allowing Determination to use the right company-specific settings. (*) It is Required if <EXTERNAL_COMPANY_ID> is not populated. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: |
varchar2(20) |
Yes |
The role the company plays in a given transaction: Buyer (B), Middleman (M) or Seller (S). Each role results in different transaction tax and reporting requirements. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The country where the goods were manufactured. Used in Intrastat reporting. |
varchar2(3) |
Yes |
The currency associated with a transaction. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Name of the Customer Group to use for this transaction. Customers will be looked up in this group, overriding the settings of the transacting company's Company Preferences. The list of valid groups for this element consists of Customer Groups owned by the transacting company and its ancestors. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Name of the Company owning the Customer Group to use for this transaction. This company must be a parent or grandparent of the transacting company. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The customer's name. Used in both VAT Registration Group member and Exemption Certificate Customer/License Customer matching:
varchar2(100) |
No |
The customer's number as passed in by the ERP system. This element's value is used by Determination when searching for exemption certificates or licenses that are relevant to a transaction, or to auto-create a customer or an associated certificate if the system is so configured. This element's value can also be used to match VAT Registration Group members if no match is found using <EXTERNAL_COMPANY_ID>. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Indicates how goods were shipped and where title was transferred. Valid values include Incoterms 2000 codes and any other customer-defined codes. For more information, see Delivery Terms. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Department of consignment. Used in Intrastat reporting. |
varchar2(50) |
No |
Document Type references either a virtual or a physical document created and managed by the ERP system. Examples include invoice, order, or credit memo. The document type represents the type of transaction to be processed, including defining the types of entities in the transaction. For example, a sales quote will have different attributes than an invoice for purchased goods. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
End use of the product. Intended to govern the applicability of a rule. For more information, see Rule Qualifiers. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Identifier of the user who made a change to the invoice in the calling ERP system. |
structural |
No |
List of established locations. |
structural |
No |
List of buyer's established locations. |
boolean |
No |
Establishment for this location type (true or false). |
structural |
No |
List of middleman's established locations. |
boolean |
No |
Establishment for this location type (true or false). |
structural |
No |
List of seller's established locations. |
boolean |
No |
Establishment for this location type (true or false). |
structural |
No |
Forces an exempt amount for a transaction in one or more specified zone levels. |
number |
No |
Amount for this zone level. |
structural |
No |
The exemption certificate number, which is used to look up the specific exemption certificate for this invoice. This element can also be used in certificate auto-creation. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Number at this zone level. |
structural |
No |
Limits the search for an applicable certificate to ones with this exempt reason (either short code or long code). Also, if no certificate is found and auto-create certificates is turned on, the transaction must have either a valid exempt reason or certificate number at the address level at which a given authority is trying to apply tax. |
varchar2(20) |
No |
Reason for this zone level. |
varchar2(100) |
Yes* |
The unique identifier used by your business application to indicate which company to use in Determination. This identifier also distinguishes between different calling applications that may be used by your company. This element may be passed at the batch level or with each invoice, and is passed through to the Determination output and the audit tables. (*) This element is required if <COMPANY_NAME> is not populated. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The name of the TransEditor Group to be applied, if different than the company default. |
varchar2(30) |
No |
The name of the company owning the TransEditor Group specified in <FILTER_GROUP_NAME>, if different than the transacting company. |
date |
No |
Stores a transaction by a fiscal date in addition to the invoice date. For example, you can use <FISCAL_DATE> to indicate when revenue was recognized. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The name of the ERP instance sending the transaction. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: |
structural |
No |
Contains information on whether to treat some or all authority taxes for this invoice as inclusive, regardless of the selected rule. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
If the authority selected for a transaction matches the type indicated here, all taxes for that authority are considered as inclusive. You can have multiple <AUTHORITY_TYPE> elements in an <INCLUSIVE_TAX_INDICATORS> structure. |
boolean |
No |
If set to true, indicates that all authorities that Determination will select for taxing will be considered as Inclusive Tax. This element overrides the calculation method set for the selected rule by forcing inclusive tax. |
varchar2(50) |
No |
A pass-through element which has been deprecated in favor of enhanced VAT calculation logic. See <INPUT_RECOVERY_AMOUNT/PERCENT> and VAT Recoverability and Rules for more information. |
date |
Yes |
The date of the invoice. Required. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: |
varchar2(200) |
Yes* |
This number is passed through to the audit tables and acts as a reference in the audit tables as well as for credit transactions. (*) Required if <IS_AUDITED> is true. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: |
boolean |
No |
The audit status; indicates whether a transaction should be saved to the audit tables. To avoid having records accidentally added to the audit record, the default is false. Valid values are true and false. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether or not to permit audit table update instead of overwrite.Updates provide for "Line at a Time" invoice submissions. The effect is that a duplicate invoice submission updates the invoice level record and replaces any matching line and tax level as determined by the <LINE_NUMBER>. Any new line numbers that are submitted will be added to the existing invoice in the audit tables. Valid values are true and false. |
boolean |
No |
This element has been deprecated in favor of audit-related Configuration parameters. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether a supply is being used for business. In Brazilian ICMS and IPI transactions, whether a supply is being used for business or not impacts the tax and reporting requirements of the buyer and the seller. Valid values are true and false. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether the current transaction is a credit transaction as identified by your ERP system. true indicates a credit transaction for both auditing and reporting purposes. When set to true, any amounts on the transaction should be passed in as negative values. Valid values are true and false. |
structural |
No |
Forces exemption from tax for a line in the specified jurisdictions. Exemption is different from zero tax for VAT authorities, as exemption completely excludes the transaction from VAT accounting. In the case of a sale, VAT paid to make the supply cannot be recovered if the supply is exempt. In Sales Tax countries such as the US, the exempt indicator prevents tax from being charged. If false is explicitly passed the exemption certificate lookup is suppressed; tax will be charged even though an apparently valid certificate may exist in Determination. |
<ALL> |
boolean |
No |
Exempt for all locations. |
boolean |
No |
Exempt status at this zone level. |
structural |
No |
Forces no tax for a particular invoice in the specified jurisdictions. To select all jurisdictions, set ALL to true. The default is behavior is (null) which is the same as explicitly specifying false. If <IS_NO_TAX> is set for a given level, and an <OVERRIDE_RATE> or <OVERRIDE_AMOUNT> are specified at that level, the <IS_NO_TAX> setting is ignored. |
<ALL> |
boolean |
No |
No tax on all lines and jurisdictions on this invoice. |
boolean |
No |
No tax at this zone level. |
boolean |
No |
Controls whether the invoice being processed should be included in reports. An invoice can be included in the audit tables but restricted from appearing on VAT and other reports by passing in (N)o for this element. The default value is (Y)es. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates whether the current transaction is part of an ERP-initiated reversal process. Valid values are (Y)es and (N)o. |
boolean |
No |
Indicates that the calling application requires Determination to return rounded amounts in the Output XML and save rounded amounts to the Audit Database. Rounding is performed within Determination based on the currency rules or specs applied to the transaction. See Currencies. Valid values are false (return un-rounded amounts) and true (return rounded amounts). The default is true. Determination always returns un-rounded amounts in the Determination always returns un-rounded amounts in the |
boolean |
No |
Indicates an override to any triangulation simplification determinations. Valid values are true and false. If set to true, you must pass registrations in for the Buyer, Seller, and Middleman in the transaction or a warning message will be returned. |
structural |
No |
Contains data for one or more licenses applying to the document. |
structural |
No |
Contains data pertaining to a single license, consisting of a number-type pair. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The number of the license to be created. |
<TYPE> |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The type of license to be created. |
not applicable |
No |
A pseudo-tag which enables the getting and setting a number and type pair within TransEditors. The format consists of Name|Type, with the pipe character separating the license number from license type. |
<LINE ID="N"> |
structural |
Yes |
The <LINE> and </LINE> elements are structural. They serve as the container for an individual line. Each invoice can have multiple lines. The ID is an attribute of a line and indicates the actual line number. |
structural |
No |
Specifies a location that you pre-configured on the Locations page. The seven available location types are listed below. Addresses specified in the transaction override Locations, and Locations specified override Location Sets. |
varchar2(30) |
No |
Bill To location. |
varchar2(30) |
No |
Middleman location. |
varchar2(30) |
No |
Order Acceptance location. |
varchar2(30) |
No |
Order Origin location. |
varchar2(30) |
Ship From location. |
No |
varchar2(30) |
Ship To location. |
No |
varchar2(30) |
No |
Supply location. |
varchar2(60) |
No |
A named set of pre-defined locations defined by the <LOCATION> element. Instead of specifying several locations using the <LOCATION> element, you can specify all the locations in a transaction using a single <LOCATION_SET> element. |
structural |
No |
The middleman address. The presence of middleman address data can trigger triangulation processing in the EU. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
varchar2(50) |
No |
The method of transport. Used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
date |
No |
Indicates the date of a movement of goods, such as via a pipeline, or the data of issue. Used in rule qualifiers and in date determination rules. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
Indicates the type of movement, such as a pipeline. Used in rule qualifiers and in date determination rules. |
varchar2(2) |
No |
Used in Intrastat reports in all countries in the EU. |
structural |
No |
The Order Acceptance address. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
structural |
No |
The Order Origin address. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The original document id as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The original document item as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The original document type as shown on the document in the ERP system. Not used in calculations. |
date |
No |
The date of the original invoice. Used in Date Determination Rules. |
varchar2(200) |
No |
This number enables a credit invoice to be associated with an original invoice in the audit tables for reporting purposes. |
date |
No |
The date of the original movement. Used in Date Determination Rules. |
structural |
No |
Override Amount allows you to specify an amount that Determination will use to override the tax result. The override amount is applied to a specific authority level such as Country, State or City. Determination will identify none, one, or more authorities at the specified level (effective zone level in XML or effective tax level in Determination). The specified amount will apply to all authorities returned with the transaction. Allocation that may occur for amount is an override for all authorities. If no authority is returned, the override amount is not applied to the transaction or recorded for the specified authority level. This same behavior applies when Override Rate is used. As a best practice, you must first calculate normally and then use the returned authority levels when using the overrides. |
number |
No |
Amount at this zone level. |
structural |
No |
Forces the rate of tax assessed for a particular invoice for a particular authority. The override value must be positive. <OVERRIDE_AMOUNT>s take precedence over any configured override rates. |
number |
No |
Rate at this zone level. |
varchar2(1) |
No |
The Point of Title Transfer location. Valid values are (D)estination, (O)rigin, or (I)n transit. If no <POINT_OF_TITLE_TRANSFER> or <DELIVERY_TERMS> element is passed in at either the Invoice or Line level, the default for the Invoice is set to In Transit. See Point of Title Transfer for more information about Delivery Terms processing logic. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The Port of Entry, used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
varchar2(5) |
No |
The Port or Airport of Departure; used for Intrastat reporting in the EU. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The name of the Product Mapping Group that owns the product cross-reference. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The company owning the Product Mapping Group. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The Regime, used for French Intrastat reports. |
structural |
No |
List of registrations for role. |
varchar2(25) |
No |
Buyer role registrations. Audited if used in calculation. When a buyer passes a registration in the Input XML, other configured registrations for the company are ignored. |
varchar2(25) |
No |
Middleman role registrations. Audited if used in calculation. |
varchar2(25) |
No |
Seller role registrations. Audited if used in calculation. When a seller passes a registration in the Input XML, other configured registrations for the company are ignored. |
structural |
No |
The seller company's home or primary address. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
structural |
No |
The Ship From address. This address is used for certain transaction types in several countries to determine tax and reporting requirements. SeeAddress Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
structural |
No |
The Ship To address. This address is used for certain transaction types in several countries to determine tax and reporting requirements. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
varchar2(6) |
No |
A statistical indicator used for large shipments. Used for Intrastat filing purposes in the EU. |
structural |
No |
The Supply address. Most tax authorities around the world, including many in the United States, rely on the supply location as the central address in determining tax liability for services transactions. See Address Level Input XML Elements for a description of the individual elements in this structure. |
structural |
No |
A pass-through element which has been deprecated in favor of enhanced VAT calculation logic. See <INPUT_RECOVERY_AMOUNT/PERCENT>. |
number |
No |
See above. |
varchar2(50) |
No |
An optional code which can be specified in the transaction to match a Tax Code specified on a Rule. |
date |
No |
The date used in selecting all applicable system configuration including tax rates and rules. Overrides any system-determined date. |
date |
No |
The date used in selecting currency conversion data. Overrides any system-determined date. |
date |
No |
The date the signifies when the liability for tax arises. Overrides any system-determined date. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The flag that indicates alternative tax treatment after Determination performs its calculation:
For more information, see Deferred Taxes. |
structural |
No |
The type of tax applied to a tax result. For example: sales, consumer use, or zero rate. By default, the tax type is determined automatically. You can override it with configuration or in the input XML. Some tax types are specific to US or International transactions. Use only to override the automatic tax type for a transaction. Tax Type is determined when the Jurisdiction Location is determined. For a list of tax types and their descriptions, see Tax Types Quick Reference. |
<ALL> |
varchar2(20) |
No |
Value for all jurisdictions on this invoice. |
varchar2(20) |
No |
Tax Type at this zone level. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
A pass-through element indicating where the location where title transferred for the associated delivery term. |
varchar2(2) |
Yes* |
The transaction type, which is required to apply the correct type of taxes to the transaction. Valid types are:
For a complete description of these transaction types, see Transaction Types. (*) This is required on the invoice level only if it is not specified on the line level. |
varchar2(500) |
No |
The unique identifier for this invoice, as assigned by the ERP system. Determination supports two audit keys to enable the lookup of audit records. The two combinations are as follows: Unique Invoice Numbers must be unique within an individual batch of invoices. To re-process an invoice, include it in another batch. |
structural |
No |
A structure that enables companies to submit, and have returned, user-defined elements that are not directly supported in Determination. These elements can be used in conjunction with TransEditors (input filters) to enable custom tax calculations, and are stored in the audit table for reporting purposes. Each <USER_ELEMENT> structure contains a single <NAME>/<VALUE> pair. |
<NAME> |
varchar2(200) |
No |
The name of the user element. Currently restricted to the values ATTRIBUTE1 through ATTRIBUTE50. |
varchar2(200) |
No |
The value to be passed into Determination's audit tables and returned to your business application. |
varchar2(25) |
No |
The value of the VAT Group registration number for the invoice. Used as the primary way of looking up VAT Registration Groups during calculation. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The vendor's name. If this is a B2B transaction and the Company is the buyer, the Company becomes the Customer and the Vendor becomes the Company for the transaction. |
varchar2(100) |
No |
The vendor's number. If this is a B2B transaction and the Company is the buyer, the Company becomes the Customer and the Vendor becomes the Company for the transaction. |